What is Andropique™ and how it is beneficial to me?
Testosterone is the primary sex hormone in males that plays a key role in boosting sperm production. It also supports male physical attributes such as bone density,muscle mass and body hair. By the time men reach the age of 30, their testosterone levels start to decline, which is where the role of test boosters come into play.
While testosterone supplements aim to naturally increase the testosterone levels, they might come with risks and possible side effects.
Keeping all this in mind, Indus Biotech has formulated the testosterone boosting supplement AndropiqueTM using the ingredient Fenugreek (Trigonellafoenungreacum). The supplement has been clinically proven to increase the burning of body fat as well as both total and free testosterone levels in the body. All of this can be achieved without the side effects like male breast tissue growth (gynecomastia), testicular shrinkage, and loss of sex drive that come with the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or anabolic steroid.
If you are looking to get the most out of your workouts and want to maximize your progress towards lean muscle mass while eliminating unwanted body fat, then maxing out natural testosterone levels is a must. AndropiqueTM, along with proper diet, exercise, and adequate sleep, can help you get the results that you have been looking for.